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How to change Facebook page category?

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When you create a page on Facebook, you are asked to choose its category. But what if the category you have chosen doesn’t fit the page anymore? Can you change it now, and if yes, then how can you do it? Read our article and get to know what a page category is, why it is important, and how you can change it.

Possible page categories on Facebook

There are thousands of page categories on Facebook. Any keyword seems to have a dozen or more options. Facebook encourages you to set three different specific categories for your page. For instance, if you choose the categories “singing” and “music,” Facebook will probably keep only one of them. 

Features of Facebook page categories

You will have access to different features depending on your Page’s category. Facebook has a table showing different categories and features available to pages in those categories. You can use the table to determine which features will be available to your page if you choose a certain category; some features such as map, address, and check-ins are additional.

How to change page category on Facebook?

Facebook allows you to choose or alter your page category at any time. So, here are a few simple steps you need to take to change the category of your page:

  • Make sure you are logged as the admin of your business page because only people with this role can change the page category.
  • Navigate to the main page. Under the cover photo, you will see “Liked,” “Following,” “Share,” and “…” boxes. 
  • After you click on the “…” box, you will see a menu with a few options in it.
  • Choose the “Edit Page Info” button. Now, under the General tab, you can alter your page categories.
  • As you type, Facebook will suggest several categories depending on your keyword.

Note that other users will only see the first category of the three. The other two will only appear in the search. 

Frequently asked questions about Facebook categories.

Can you change an old Facebook category?

Yes, you can. However, if your page used to have a category that no longer exists and you change it, you will not be able to go back to having that category.

How many page categories can you choose on Facebook?

You can choose up to three different page categories.