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How to Make a Good Instagram Bio?

Your Instagram bio is the first thing that people notice about you when they visit your profile page. So it is in your interest to make the most of it and here is how.

Use keywords for the name field for a good bio on Instagram

Your “Name” field in you bio is actually searchable, meaning that you should make the most of it to be able to be explored more. Use those 30 characters and type in the keywords that both identify your business and are a popular search. Emojis can also be searched so you can use them too.

Writing the Instagram bio

You are allowed to use 150 characters plus the 30 characters for your Instagram Name) to impress your audience. Put all the key information in your bio: contact info, profile description, hashtags for easy navigation, skills and experience, hobbies and interests, etc. It’s important to have your brand voice in your bio.

Add Emojis to bio on Instagram

Add some bright emojis to grab people’s attention, while giving your profile a visually fresh and fun feel. Be creative and combine different types of emojis. They also can represent your brand so try using only relevant ones but still make them look good together.

Use hashtags in your Instagram bio

Use hashtags for a better navigation through your posts. Show your audience your hashtags and encourage them to follow the hashtags. 

Call to action

Your bio is the first thing that people see when they go on your page so it is a perfect place to tell people what you want them to do. Maybe follow a specific link? Check out new post? Check out an update on your website? Follow your hashtag to see posts dedicated to a specific topic? Or follow, like and comment on your page? Display all of your contact information and encourage people to get in touch with you. Make sure it is easy for people to follow your instructions and you have all the necessary information provided in your bio.

Use a link

Instagram only allows you to use one clickable link in your bio.If you want people to go on your website then you should definitely have your website URL in your Instagram bio. However, you can change the URL to anything you need to promote, like your new updates, link to your other social platform, etc. You decide.

Choose a profile picture for Instagram

Your profile picture should be unique and distinctive, it is a good idea to just use your brand logo that you already use on all of your marketing materials and that people can already associate with your business.. Your account should be easily seen among others and grab users’ attention. You can use an identifiable symbol to make it easier for your target audience to see you and raise awareness of your brand by making sure it is visible in your niche on social media all the time.

Final thoughts 

Your Instagram bio does not have to be static you can change it whenever you feel like it, when you want to promote something, or when you come up with something new to add. Look at your audience response and vary your bio templates.