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Shadowban in Instagram – who may be the potential victims

Shadowbanning is the act of blocking a user’s content on social media sites, in such a way that the user doesn’t know it’s happening. If you’re shadowbanned on Instagram, your content won’t appear on anyone’s feed unless they already follow you. Am I Shadowbanned? There’s an easy trick to figure out if your account is shadowbanned. First, post an image with a hashtag that isn’t often used. 

With the development of social networks, they became a place for marketing. Instagram is a massive platform for advertising your product. Every businessman wants to reach success on this platform and be among the most popular business bloggers. Instagram is evolving day by day. Just like the problems. Today, more and more people started getting shadowbans. People are strugglings to find out the algorithms of banning people. Still, many of the reasons of this ban and its solvings are known. This text will help people to understand the whole process of banning and to be aware of things that may lead them to the shadowban.

What is this infamous Shadowban

Earlier, it was a myth, a fairy tale that were considered as apologies and excuses from failed SMM managers. But soon everybody understood that this is not a fairy tale – this is a cruel reality.

Firstly, people don’t see any signs of Shadowban, but with the matter of time, it shows himself. The first sign is that your account is visited only by regular subscribers, while search and hashtags don’t bring even one single subscriber. It is not a classic ban, because, technically, you are not banned, but your hashtags and posts will never reach the top of the search.

The reasons are often quite obvious:

  • Using services like mass following, mass liking or auto posting.
  • You may exceeded the allowed amount of likes and subscribes.
  • The most bizarre reason are the hashtags – they can be restricted or irrelevant. There is no official list of restricted hashtags, so you’ll have to find everything out all by yourself. Irrelevant hashtags are even more complicated. You have to consider that the irrelevance of posts are decided by algorithms. Also, don’t post similar hashtags in a row.
  • If you are “young” account (<45 days), then it is pretty much unlikely to post more than 4 posts a day. This is another reason to be shadowbanned.

 Your account’s level of trust is low. The trust level considers the age of your page, number of subscribers, amount of the likes that you’ve delivered, using the services of automated managing of account.

How to make your account unbanned

  • Well, first of all, you have to stop using auto promoting services for 3-4 days. 
  • Also, don’t subscribe or unsubscribe for this amount of time.
  • Then, don’t use automated posting and liking services. 
  • Enter Instagram only with tablet or phone.

If that didn’t work – try that process once again. But if you used too much of auto promoting services, the chance of your unbanning is quite small. Still, you can talk with Instagram support service.

So, now you know more about shadowban. With that knowledge you’d be far more experienced. Try to manage your account more safely and promote it with your own diligence.