What is an influencer media kit?
If you’re aspiring to become a successful social media influencer, one of the first things you need to have is an influencer media kit. Media kits come in different formats and sizes, there are no strict guidelines, but essentially, it is a combination of you CV, business card and an artwork portfolio meshed together. If you have a relatively small following, having an influencer kit can help you stand out from the crowd of other micro influencers when you reach out to businesses with offers of collaboration. If you have a relatively large number of followers, having a social media kit is a must, as without it it will be very difficult for you to get sponsorships and collaborations, since all successful influencers are expected to have a social media kit.
What information should my social media kit contain?
When it comes to creating an influencer kit, the information you include is just as important as the design of the document – it is crucial that it is visually appealing and that it reflects your personal style and the style of your social media pages. Moreover, the text should reflect who you are as a person and as an influencer, what your values and mission are, etc. You influencer media kit needs to be a perfect reflection of your personal brand. So what should you include in your social media kit?
Blogger media kit bio
The first thing people should see when they open your media kit is a bio together with a nice photo of you. Don’t crown the bio with unnecessary details like your age and education history. Instead, try to write a paragraph or two that convey your life philosophy, interest, values and goals as an influencer. You should also include your contact information and social media handles in this section.
Include social media statistics in your influencer kit
While statistics are not the only things that brands look at when choosing freelancers for marketing collaborations, they are extremely important. The next section of your influencer kit should include the number of followers and group members you have in different social media accounts as well as your engagement rates. It is extremely important to present these numbers honestly, as they are easy for brands to check.
Add follower demographics to your blogger media kit
Another crucial piece of information that you should include in your media kit is the demographics of your followers, this will help brands to determine how well your audience overlaps with their target customer demographic. Make sure you include where large portions of your followers come from, how old they are, what gender they are, what their education and income levels are and more.
Include information about your blog in the media kit
Some brands prefer blogs to social media posts for marketing purposes, as they generally get attention from your audience over a longer period of time. So if you have a blog or a website, include the address, a description of the blog and its content and important statistics separately in your influencer kit.
Put a list of your previous clients in the influencer kit
If you’re an experienced freelancer who has been paid for partnerships and advertising before, make sure that you include information about the companies you’ve partnered with in your kit. You should also put some brief information about the campaigns and even some statistics about the campaign results if they are available.