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The real meaning of Facebook’s ‘content not available’ message

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How many times has this happened to you: you’re just scrolling through Facebook, looking at your friends’ posts and suddenly see a message saying that this content is not available right now? Or you follow a link someone posted and get the same message? It’s frustrating, annoying and there’s no way around the message but after reading this article, you will at least know what some reasons for the message might be.Read More »The real meaning of Facebook’s ‘content not available’ message

What font does Facebook use in its logo?

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The logos of social media platforms are not just pictures used to represent the platforms – they are iconic and instantly recognizable by most people in the developed world. This means that no matter how simple the logo may seem, after all, most of them are just one letter or the platform’s name written out, a lot of design work has gone into developing them. Read More »What font does Facebook use in its logo?

How to post links on Instagram? Find out here!

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Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. Over the past few years, the platform which used to be very restrictive changed many of its rules and introduced new features, allowing people and brands to become more and more creative with their content. But there’s one thing that has remained unchanged – you still can’t add clickable links to Instagram posts. Luckily, there are a few workarounds that you can use to post links on your Instagram account.

Read More »How to post links on Instagram? Find out here!

6 most popular types of photos on Instagram

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Today, social media platforms are incredibly saturated with content – no matter what topic or niche you’re looking for, there are dozens, hundreds and even thousands of accounts there. In this environment, every little detail counts and you need to work hard to make your profile stand out. Luckily, you don’t have to do it all alone, there is lots of information out there that you can use to tailor your social media strategy for maximum success. In this article, we will talk about different types of Instagram images that attract the most attention.

Read More »6 most popular types of photos on Instagram

5 easy tips for using memes in your Facebook ads

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It’s hard to imagine the internet without memes – they are funny, relevant and they help take your mind off things. But did you know that you can also use memes as part of your social media marketing strategy? Memes are actually a terrific advertising and PR tool as long as they are used well. The last thing you want is offending your audience or causing a negative reaction with the meme. Below, you’ll find a few tips to help you incorporate memes into your social media strategy successfully.

Read More »5 easy tips for using memes in your Facebook ads

5 things you didn’t know about Facebook ad design

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Designing a successful Facebook ad can be tricky, there’s no doubt about it. Gone are the days where you could just write up some copy, add a pretty picture and run your ad. Today, creating a great ad for social media is almost a science in and of itself. Below, you will find 5 easy tips on Facebook ad design that will help set you apart from the competition.

Read More »5 things you didn’t know about Facebook ad design

5 best places to find free stock photos for Facebook

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Today, internet marketing is all about the visual – you have to create the perfect picture if you want your products or services to sell well. But not every brand or company has the resources and opportunity to create hundreds of high-quality images for posts, advertising and other purposes. Thankfully, stock photos present an easy and elegant solution to the issue of obtaining images for your Facebook ads and posts. Below, you will find 5 amazing websites that have hundreds of stock photos you can use for advertising on Facebook and other social media.

Read More »5 best places to find free stock photos for Facebook

What are our order fulfillment guarantees when you buy Facebook likes?

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A large percentage of our new customers wonder what guarantees we can give on our services. Of course, in the modern world, there are a lot of dishonest companies and people, but you can be absolutely sure of the safety reliability of our service when you buy Facebook likes, fans and followers from FBskip.Read More »What are our order fulfillment guarantees when you buy Facebook likes?